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With the situation of the corona pandemic for musicians not being able to perform - EES and his band started various online live stream concerts and he used this platform to raise awareness and donations from the viewers for the Namibian REST (Rare & Endangered Species Trust) which received good feedback from the audience.


The Cape pangolin is one of 8 pangolin species found worldwide, and the only one that can live in arid conditions.  Pangolins are now labelled as the world’s most trafficked mammal.  This is the worst label a species can receive.  Ironically, it may be the saving grace for these shy elusive creatures.  Until that label, so little was known about pangolins that most of the world didn’t know of their plight simply because they didn’t know about pangolins in general.

Have a look at the full live stream concert above and the segment about REST.
Also, feel free to check out their website and social media for the amazing work they are doing with the little they have to their disposal.


If you would like to donate and help with the survival of the pangolin in Namibia - we would like to motivate you to please donate straight to REST with the button below. As they do amazing work and we just support them, where we can and so should you.

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